Loan Check List

  1. Application form to be filled and signed by applicant and co-applicant.
  2. One Passport Size photo of applicant and co-applicant.
  3. Copy of Latest Telephone bill for residence address proof.
  4. Copy of Pan Card and Passport.
  5. Copy of last 3 months payslip and CTC letter.
  6. Copy of last 2 years Form 16 and Saral.
  7. Copy of last 6 months bank stmt where salary is credited.
  8. Processing fee cheque in favour of Bank/ HFC’s.
II.Self –Employed
  1. Application form to be filled and signed by applicant and co-applicant.
  2. One Passport Size photo of applicant and co-applicant.
  3. Copy of Latest Telephone bill for residence address proof.
  4. Copy of Pan Card and Passport.
  5. Copy of Registration certificate of firm.
  6. Copy of last 2 years ITRs with Statement of Income, Profit & Loss Account, Balance sheet with Form 3cb & 3cd.
  7. Copy of last 12 months bank stmt
  8. Copy of Partnership deed in case of partnership firm.
  9. Copy of MOA & AOA in case of Pvt ltd co.
  10. Processing fee cheque in favour of Bank/ HFC’s.